Hey Ya'll!!!
Happy New Year! and step into 2013 without any fears! I personally believe that we should not wait for a new year to reinvent ourselves. I feel we should be reinventing and improving ourselves each and every day! The changing of the year happens over night just like the days do so therefore change and improve everyday and everyday you will be one step closer to raising your frequency. Now I know you may think "raise your frequency? What in the hell is she talking about?!". Raising your frequency means connecting to your core spiritual essence emotionally, physically and mentally which unlock the primary keys to success and helps you create your path and believe in yourself!
I found this book while fumbling through the shelves at the Namaste book shop by Union Square and thought " Welp I'm here for a reason and this is it!"
365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency by Melissa Alvarez is a self help book I surely recommend so go cop that!!
Today is number 9. Creating Visualization Generates A New Reality
Visualize what you want to happen in your life. Physically put effort into manifesting your creative vision into reality.
Think Positive!
Peace, Love, and Positive Frequencies