Friday, March 22, 2013

The other day I felt like.....

Dead fish, Dead fish
I am one dead fish
Sitting here like a dead fish
Not much bliss
I'm just a dead fish

Monday, March 11, 2013

Oh My is finally here!

Hey Ya'll!

So my shop Abstract Rain is dropping today and I'm particulary nervous about it.  Everything that could've went wrong in trying to put this together went wrong.  Right now I am pleased to say I tried my best for right now and I am going to LET IT RIP! 
Its like a wieght lifted off of my heart.  It feels so good to finally do something you dream of happening and then finally its ready!!!! The Abstract Rain shop is one of my projects and I hope you like what you see.  I know it needs way more work and direction but.....I DID IT SO YAY ME!

Walking across the street today thinking to myself about the shops relaunching I said to myself  EVERY THOUGHT HAs POTENTIAL YOU JUST HAVE TO ENTERTAIN THE THOUGHTS THAT MEAN THE MOST TO YOU.

Ubberly excited!


Much more to come!

Don't belive me just watch!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quality Control Overload/ DON'T BELIEVE ME JUST WATCH!

What it do?!

 Yeah so I'm here stressing, bugging, and flipping out because I am rererelaunching my vintage site Abstract Rain and my low nail length can prove it.  I have been product shooting, website building and so on and so forth and a sistah is bugged out.  Its one of those things where I'm scared but so ready to be done with it and just launch this website like a fireracker.  As far as quality control I'm becoming real particular on how and what I put on the website but at the same time I know for a fact everything will not be perfect and I need to just put it out there just for the sake of a result and also for people to go ahead and see what it is that I am building on. This site is something I've been wanting to do for a hot minute and I am real excited to get it done.  Praying for positive energy and mad learning and success. Oh the journey it'll be so let me strap on my platform heels and buckle up because I am in it to win it!

Persitence, belief, and everything positive.




Friday, March 1, 2013

Abstract Rain Vintage Shoot/ Shop Coming Soon

Hey Hey Hey!

 Definitely doing the major and fine tuning to my vintage site.  Like whoa! The Abstract Rain shop is a place where dope vintage/new/lightly worn pieces are up for sale to become your closets new lover! Its been a long time coming...

Just wrapped up a fun shoot with my Loves Paris Rabone flexin' in front of the camera  and Curtis Bryant ,photographer/ bloggger/artist, working that good good on the photography tip! You can find more of Curtis Bryant's work at . It was definitely an awesome experience and they rocked!!! I can't thank these guys enough...but peep how hot they are! ;)

